It’s finally over. After three years of planning,
organizing, creating and agonizing as the convention chair of the 2012 National
Speakers Association convention in Indianapolis this summer, I’m officially old
news. My synapses are once again beginning to fire steady, my world is coming
back into focus, and now I reflect. The convention was a huge success and
although I’d love to take credit for the entire event, I can’t…or can I?
For ten years I was a professional musician and songwriter
in Nashville, Tennessee. Incidentally, I learned more about leadership,
management, HR, sales, and psychology by being the front man of a band than in any
class I ever took at the University of Southern Mississippi. The most important
lesson that I learned is that the best leaders are lazy. Let me explain. We’ve
all read in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
about how Tom coerced his friends
into cheerfully white washing the fence that he was supposed to paint while he
relaxed in the shade. Tom would rather be lazy than do the work himself. Did
that make him a bad leader? No Way! I planned a successful convention that was
attended by over 1000 professional speakers from 14 different countries. It has
been receiving rave reviews, and just as I did when I was the front man in a
band, I learned two things from my experience as convention chair. 1. I like
being in charge, and 2. You can get other people to cheerfully do the work for
you… if you know how.
PEOPLE. I am right brained. I
am creative, vision driven, and focused on the big picture. I surround myself
with people who live in the details and enjoy logistics. A “LAZY” leader will
compliment their weaknesses with the strengths of others.
When I fronted a band, I would never tell the other musicians what to play. I
selected the song, tempo, and feel, but when it came to their instrument, I let
them be the expert. As the NSA convention
chair I took the same approach. I specifically communicated the outcomes that I
wanted but then let the speaker or session host reach them in their unique way.
This allowed the meeting to have texture and variety.
A great band leader will let each band member take a solo and give them the
opportunity to be in the spot light and receive applause. Incidentally, the
best music happens during the solo. A “Lazy Leader” will create vision but then
appoint quality people to carry it out. By observing but not micromanaging
their efforts, they will be free to add their flavor and take credit for their
contribution. As the NSA convention chair I gave my team an opportunity to be
on stage more than I was. This rewarded their efforts with publicity.
4. PRAISE OFTEN. It never fails to amaze me what a
powerful motivator recognition is. No matter how successful, wealthy, or
accomplished a person is, we all crave an “atta-boy” from time to time. When
you make habits out of delivering honest, consistent recognition and praise,
you will create a team of confident, happy, employees who strive for
believe that people are more productive when working with nice people . I
believe civility is good for business. When you are nice to people, you create
loyalty. Loyalty fosters commitment. Commitment is the basis for a culture of